Monday, September 1, 2014

More Free Heroes

During the event period: 14.09.01 ~ 14.09.05 (23:59 EST)

- You can visit the special event dungeons by entering the 'Treasure Hunt'.
- To enter the Event Dungeon your Guardian level must be at least level 4, and you need a full deck of at least Rare (2★) heroes to participate in the Special Event Dungeon.
- In the dungeon, you will be able to collect Gold, Items (4★~6★) or heroes (1★~3★).
- The Master (3★) dungeon will cost you 4 stamina to participate. You can participate up to 40 times. Get Poppin' Henry (3★) 

  - The Epic (4★) dungeon will cost you 5 stamina to participate. You can participate up to 60 times.Get Minotaur Beast King(4★)

Possibility to get these heroes using maximum tries:
Treasure Hunt: Poppin' Henry (3★) 
Maximum Tries: 40
Stamina Consume Per run:
Max Stamina Use: 40 x 4= 160 S

Treasure Hunt: Minotaur Beast King(4★)
Maximum Tries: 60
Stamina Consume Per run: 5
Max Stamina Use: 60 x 5= 300 S

Event Last for 5 days :
  • There is 24 hours in a day. Stamina recovery is 1 stamina / 10 minutes. so 6 S / HR. 144 S / Day
  •  Event will last for 5 days so Recovered Stamina until end event will be (24 x 6) x 5 = 720 stamina total stamina use for both hunt is 300+160= 460 Stamina. So there is still 260 Stamina to spare.
  • Aside from that Hello Hero gives extra Stamina for this kinds of  events and from daily log-In.

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